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For Approved Training Providers to:
Categories and Criteria for Accreditation


To be accredited within the respective categories, Social Workers i.e. practitioners with recognised Social Work qualifications acceptable to the Social Work Accreditation and Advisory Board (SWAAB) must meet the following criteria:

New Graduate/Entrant
[to qualify to be accredited as Registered Social Worker-Provisional (RSW-P)]
Practising Social Worker
[to qualify to be accredited as Registered Social Worker (RSW)]

  Entry Requirements

  • Possess at least a Bachelor Degree or Graduate Diploma in Social Work recognised by the Social Work Accreditation and Advisory Board (SWAAB)
  • Provide two character references from peers and/or employers (known for no less than 3 years)
  • Have an offer of Social Work employment or employed as a Social Worker in a social service agency, government agency, hospital, Institutes of Higher Learning, registered charity or society engaged in Social Work practices in Singapore
  • Less than one year of post-qualification full-time Social Work experience locally
  • Obtain a pass (75% mark) in the Online Ethics Quiz at point of application
  Entry Requirements
  • Possess a recognised Social Work qualification in accordance to the university’s programme requirement;
  • Have at least one year of post-qualification full-time Social Work experience locally;
  • Provide two character references from peers and/or employers (known for no less than 3 years)
  • 80 hours of post-qualification relevant in-employment training[1];
  • 1,000 hours of supervised practice[2] obtained from employment after completing Social Work qualification; and
  • Obtain a pass (75% mark) in the Online Ethics Quiz at point of application


[1] "Relevant in-employment training" refers to all in-house and externally conducted training in a Social Work or Social Work related area which would enhance the professional delivery of services by the Social Worker in his/her area of work; documents showing proof of courses / workshops / conferences attended or in-house training endorsed by the Social Worker's employer would be acceptable as proof of having received the relevant training hours stipulated.

[2] "Supervised Practice hours": 

•  Must be obtained within two years for RSW-P to apply for Conversion to RSW

•  Include at least 50 hours of clinical supervision of which 30 hours must be one-to-one sessions with a Social Work Supervisor

•  Must align with the Social Work competencies at entry level with the Skills Framework for Social Service

•  Must complete and submit the new Supervised Practice Declaration Form for the 1,000 hours of supervised practice

•  Social Work Supervisor must be a RSW with at least four years of Social Work experience post-qualification, of which one year must be in Singapore

A Social Worker who does not have a workplace supervisor or who graduated in 2014 and thereafter but does not have a qualified supervisor at the workplace may obtain the supervised practice hours from an external supervisor under the SASW Supervision Service. For details and registration, please click here.

Accreditation Secretariat, SASW
Tel: (65) 6778 7922    Email:
Blk 324 Clementi Ave 5   #01-209
Singapore 120324

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